The Value of Solar Energy

How It Works
As you use electricity, your utility company charges for your usage (measured in kWh). With a solar panel system, your panels will absorb sunlight during the day and create DC power. The inverters of the system convert DC power into AC power, which is the same type of electricity supplied by the grid.
During the day, when your solar panels are producing power, they will power any electrical appliances being used in your home as a first resort.
If your solar panels generate more power than what is being used, the excess power gets exported to the grid, and you receive credits for it on your utility bill. In the opposite scenario, where you use more power than what the solar panels generate, you will pull power from the grid to cover the overage. If you have an outstanding credit balance, the credits can be used to cover the overage.
This works under a billing plan with your utility company referred to as "net metering," meaning you will be billed for the net difference between your solar system's production and your overall consumption.
In some cases, you may also choose to add a battery supplemental to your solar system which can store the excess generated electricity rather than exporting to the grid.
Lifelong Value
The reality is that inflation, high interest rates, and unpredictability have taken over our economy. While a lot of things are out of our personal control, there are certain investments we can make to ensure a significant ROI - and solar is one of them!
Making the switch to solar means you will no longer rent your electricity. This will increase your personal cash flow and save you thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your system.
Going solar guarantees a lifetime of savings on your electricity bills. On average, the systems we design will pay for themselves in approximately 4-6 years. Once your system pays itself off, the sun becomes your free, sustainable electricity source for a lifetime.
Have the ultimate sense of comfort and freedom when you have control over your own power!
Aside from the huge savings to expect on your electricity bills, there are other financial perks to owning a solar PV system. For instance, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of the Federal 30% Tax Credit, and inevitably increase your property value. According to a study conducted by Zillow in 2019, property value is expected to rise by about 4% after installing solar panels.
Contact us today to learn more about how you can benefit from owning a solar system.
Create A More Sustainable Future
Atmospheric CO2 levels are at an all time high. One of the primary contributors to this outcome is the emission of fossil fuels.
With solar panels, your home will generate renewable electricity directly from the sun, automatically reducing your carbon footprint one kWh at a time.
Keep in mind that with the goal of combating climate change, our government has begun to implement requirements for having electric appliances in our homes and electric vehicles on the road. As the demand for electricity increases, a clean energy source is crucial.